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Difference between HTML and XHTML

Difference between HTML and XHTML
Few years back only there was a fire blazing to use HTML code for designing websites. Its presentation was later on succeeded by CSS. CSS used style sheets for the purposes. These definitely improved the materialization and appearance of all the websites. Today, HTML has been further improvised to XHTML.

XHTML is a more stable, sharpened and sophisticated version. This further introduced the concept of tagging into the websites. While going through modern version, most Word Press themes have been designed on XHTML rather then HTML. With the use of XHTML done in bulk across the web, it is imperative for users, who are designing, changing or preparing their themes, to know the difference between XHTML & HTML. These differences might even help in knowing the different validation errors, which usually arise from improper XHTML usage.

What is HTML & XHTML?
Hyper Text Markup Language or HTML is the means for describing the structure of text information in all web documents. It also helps in supplementing texts with embedded images, interactive forms and numerous objects. Extensible Hyper Text Markup Language or XHTML is similar in most features to HTML. It has been designed for being a HTML successor. Most experts say that the best way of referring XHTML is to call it a better HTML.

The Differences
With a basic knowledge about HTML, you are going to feel glad in knowing that major part of the HTML scripts is still applicable in XHTML. XHTML is nothing but a completion HTML codes.

All the tags should be closed
Tag closing is a compulsion in XHTML. In HTML,

tag can be used for opening it and not for closing. In HTML, there is a liberty to ignore validation of the code. However in XHTML, such concept is incorrect and the code would never validate.

XHTML closes the tags that were previously left open by HTML and hence completes it. These closing tags were always necessary. By using XHTML, you are just enforcing it.

Self-closing tags
XHTML now puts more emphasis on closing ALL the tags and it is not limited only to an open tag. Items including images or line breaks that are without HTML closing tags should have XHTML self-closing.

Alternative Text Images
All the XHTML image tags should be provided with alt attributes. None of the attributes are the region for editorial commentaries about any picture. Alt tags should always contain the image description. This allows them to meet requirements for accessibility along with different web standards.

Tagging in nested form
In XHTML, closing of the nested tags should be done in the same form in which opening was performed. Although nesting is also followed in HTML, yet it is not as strict as in XHTML.

Use of lowercase tags
In case of HTML, you can get away even if you are using tags in uppercase similar to
. However with XHTML, all the tags should be in lowercase similar to

It can be said that both these themes are almost similar. The only thing that differentiates both of them is that XHTML is stricter in rules than HTML.

Importance of XHTML Valid Themes


Importance of XHTML Valid Themes
Most webmasters have a desire to provide their websites with an impressive appearance. Although there are numerous tools available, the best amongst them is the XHTML Valid Theme. It is even more popular in the blogging zones where it can automatically make a RSS feed. In fact it is considered the cheapest and the most user friendly tools for making your website popular in search engines. The latest innovation in the world of website design is XHTML Valid Theme in Wordpress.

XHTML themes are evolved from HTML and are designed for working with XML codes. Recent past has seen this theme serving in the designing application for numerous websites. The most important part in these themes is that it should be well planned and designed.

Viewed in almost all the browsers
While you are worrying about the appearance of the website, the first thing that you should always consider is your website appearance in regards to different browsers, which might be used for viewing your website. The designing of your XHTML theme should be such that it can at least be viewed on Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera which are the commonest browsers used world wide. Most websites, which have used XHTML themes, are found to be easier to use in most browsers.

After content, the next best thing is XHTML theme
Content plays an imperative role in finalizing your position in most search engines. This is a tool that helps in bringing audience to your websites. However apart from content, the second thing that can compel your audience to stick to you is XHTML valid themes. It supplements your website with an appearance that is attractive to an eye of the visitor.

Establishes a user-friendly environment in a website
Again, all the viewers desire a user-friendly environment to visit in. XHTML themes are designed keeping that in mind. Especially for blogging, XHTML valid themes are considered amongst the most imperative tool to have. You will find numerous blogging website using XHTML themes in their websites.

Why validation works to your advantage?
Another advantage, which you get from XHTML valid themes, is that it is validated. Most webmasters do not consider this issue and in the process fail to gain the trust of their clients from the onset. With a valid theme, a proper relation is guaranteed with the users. Valid XHTML themes allow the user to have a relaxed mind, as they know that the webmasters are following the basic regulated standards.

Additional features that you get with XHTML valid themes
XHTML valid themes are simple to use and most experts have found it to have common features with other available themes in the market. However, things that have made them stand out amongst all of them include:

  • For HTML Tags (select, form, text field and similar others), It provides you with a layout of a standard 2-column table.
  • Left hand side positioning is given to the labels of each HTML Tags.
  • It helps in reporting the validation error.
  • It uses a complete Java Script on browsers for “Pure Java Script Client-Side Validation”.

With so many advantages available to you by the use of an XHTML Valid Theme, you can only be making a mistake for not using them while designing you website!

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